score for unlanguaging (천지문 and cosmos, no.042823),
installation view, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, 2024
installation view, Art Sonje Center, Seoul, 2024
activation: score for unlanguaging (천지문 and cosmos, no.042823)
collaborative performance by Jesse Chun x Yeonhee (Kim Hyangsooree, Ahn Yoohee)
Art Sonje Center, Seoul, KR
activation: score for unlanguaging (천지문 and cosmos, no.042823)
collaborative performance by Jesse Chun x Yeonhee (Kim Hyangsooree, Ahn Yoohee)
Art Sonje Center, Seoul, KR, April 25, 2024
collaborative performance by Jesse Chun x Yeonhee (Kim Hyangsooree, Ahn Yoohee)
Art Sonje Center, Seoul, KR, April 25, 2024
activation: score for unlanguaging (천지문 and cosmos, no.042823)
collaborative performance by Jesse Chun and Yeonhee (Kim Hyangsooree, Ahn Yoohee)
Art Sonje Center, Seoul, KR
April 25, 2024
Jesse Chun and Korean folk performance artists Yeonhee (Kim Hyangsooree, Ahn Yoohee) presented a collaborative activation of Chun's drawing installation, score for unlanguaging (천지문 and cosmos). Conjuring sound, dance, breath, and voice, Yeonhee performs Chun's abstract scores that visualize new cosmologies of language through undoing the world's most dominant language, English, and its semiotic structures. Choreographed by Yeonhee and Chun, the performance reinterprets Korean folk dance and sound to summon new embodied poems that encircle non-linear passages of meaning, time, and the untranslatable.
제시 천과 한국 민속 퍼포먼스 아티스트 연희 (김향수리, 안유희)가 제시의 드로잉 설치 작품인 <탈언어화의 악보 (천지문 and cosmos)>의 퍼포먼스를 선보였다. 세계적으로 통용되는 언어인 영어와 그 기호학적 의미 체계를 해체함으로써 새로운 언어의 세계를 시각화하는 제시의 추상적인 악보를 소리, 무용, 그리고 목소리로 표현한다. 연희와 제시가 함께 안무를 구상한 이번 퍼포먼스는 한국 민속 춤과 소리를 재해석하여 의미와 시간, 그리고 번역할 수 없는 비선형적인 흐름을 에워싸고있는 새롭게 구현된 시를 소환한다.
watch performance documentation video, courtesy of Art Sonje Center
all images courtesy of Art Sonje Center, photos by Seowon Nam